So I have been working out every day except Wednesdays and Thursdays, and maintaining eating between 1300-1450 calories a day, except when I throw in the occasional cheat meal. Being a month out I'm going to crank it up a notch. I've decided to add ten minutes of jumping rope to my workouts for that extra burn or umph. The jump rope I have, well its my sister's, is weighted. So I started this new tradition to day, thankfully without whacking myself in the leg too much. Its only been a few hours and I can already feel the sore creeping into my calves. Gonna be honest my friends, not excited to find out how sore they will be tomorrow! But hopefully this new addition will get me that much closer to my goal before I'm white sandy beaches bound.
As you can see, my earlier post was titled Furry Friday and included a picture of Ms. Queen Bee Kiwi. I've decided that this will be a weekly tradition sporting one of my three feline terrors.
One a side note, for all of my readers living in tornado alley, this weekend is supposed to be pretty bad. Although my degrees revolve around business, finance and accounting, I am a crazy weather addict. I should have been a storm chaser. Supposedly its the first time they have ever had a high risk predicted several days in advance. Please be safe and if you have a weather radio, keep it handy. You can also follow Storm Chaser blogs like Texas Storm Chasers (they have a twitter that is very good in storm emergencies) that you can follow to get to the minute information on bad weather outbreaks! Reed Timmer is a good one to follow on twitter too. Be safe!
Live, Love, and Lift!
-Kiwi and Me
For tips, suggestions, questions, or if you just want to share your story - email me at: