Rain: In the last week we have received over twelve inches of rain out here in SE Texas. There is some local flooding but everyone seems pretty to be in good spirits. This time last year we were in a terrible drought and fighting forest fires right and left, so the rain is welcome even if its excessive. I guess the only down side I can see is that the camaro is terribly dirty and so are the pups, but it has made from some great naps.
Plus the rain has made from some awesome running weather! Got a quick run in last night before dinner and yoga!
Pink Berry: My new favorite frozen yogurt place. Their chocolate flavored froyo is so rich and delicious! Plus I love that they have a mini size so I can get my ice cream fix without having to worry about my waistline. I even have the fiance in love with them too, though I think he would rather drive 30 minutes to the other side of town for Orange Leaf's Birthday Cake froyo if I would let him.
Construction: It has begun! My family is currently in the process of turning the garage into a workout room, building out the upstairs, and building another garage with storage space. The workers came out and laid the frame for the new slab, no we are just waiting on the concrete to get the show on the road! I can't wait to share with you all the finished product of the gym! It is going to be so AWESOME!
Wedding Dress: COMPLETE! The bustle is done, and its been steamed so that bad boy is ready to rock in three months! It feels good to check that off my list of to do's! Also my sister's bridesmaid dresses came in and they are {GORGEOUS}!
Larabar: Look what I received in the mail!! Come back tomorrow for a review! I can't wait to share what I thought of these wonderful bars!
89 Days: Till I'm a married lady! {Get used to the count downs - you only have 89 more days of it} It is time for me to really focus on my portion sizes and getting in solid work outs a few times a week. I'm not going to go crazy and freak out, I am happy with my weight. I would like to mostly maintain and tone up a little! Plus if I loose anymore weight my dress won't fit, and I loooooooove my dress.
the gorgeous flowers my fiance brought me to mark three months till our day
What marvelous things have happened to you recently?
What is your favorite froyo flavor?
Eat clean, train hard, & inspire others!
-Kiwi && Me