I survived finals! AND PASSED! Comprehensive exams are literally a teachers way of torturing their students. Let me just cram the last eleven chapters back into my brain, while studying for another class too. Don’t they know we have to forget something to learn something new? But it feels awesome to be out of school for a month or two, ready to relax and spend some serious time in the gym! The fiancĂ© and I left our last final and went straight to the movies to see The Avengers. I’m a hard core superhero fan. I really loved it. Going to try to con someone into seeing it with me again.
There is a place in The Woodlands, called Hubble and Hudson, and they offer cooking classes. Not that I’m a bad cook, cause frankly I’ve been told I’m awesome. But the fiancĂ© (who also LOVES cooking) and I are thinking of signing up just to increase our variety. Plus I would love to learn how to cook all kinds of things so I can start making more of my own recipes! Speaking of which, I need to share my special salsa recipe, but we will get to that another day! Anyways, I’m very excited. Hubble and Hudson is sort of like a whole foods market with their own restaurant, and it’s just amazing. I could literally spend hours in there. Will definitely share my experiences with you all when its time! And hopefully start sharing more and more of my own recipes!
Speaking of recipes, I have been hardcore craving sweet potatoes. And I can totally blame this on Jenn over at Peas and Crayons. She posted her Spicy Savory Sweet Potato recipe and I can’t stop looking at it. Then today, Stephanie at The New Healthy posted a Sweet Potato, Kale, and Red Onion Frittata! Sweet potatoes are everywhere! I’m pretty sure it’s a sign I need to go buy some! Sweet potatoes are packed full of nutrients like twice as much fiber as regular potatoes, high amounts of Vitamin B6, Potassium, Beta-Carotene, Manganese, and Vitamins C and E! So check out these recipes for yummy ways to incorporate yummy sweet potatoes into your diet!
I know I always wonder what people are listening to while they are working out. Especially when I see the guy on the treadmill next to me drumming as he runs. So I thought I would share some of my favorite workout songs that are on my playlist right now. I am a hardcore Muse fan thanks partly due to my little sister who is addicted. Just about every Muse song is in my playlist, but I just added a few. Please keep in mind that some of these songs have cuss words, so if that’s not your thing, look for the clean version!
Workout Music List:
Muse: Uprising
Adele: Set Fire to the Rain
Foo Fighters: Long Road to Ruin
Collective Soul: Tremble for My Beloved
Brittney Spears: Till the World Ends
Muse: Resistance
Eminem: Not Afraid
Finger Eleven: Paralyzer
Muse: MK Ultra
Eminem: Love the Way you Lie
Framing Hanley – Lollipop
The Limousines: Internet Killed the Video Star
As for what I'm stuck on when I'm not working out: I have been rocking Jimmy Buffett and the Sandals. Also, Blink 182's Self Entitled Album.
And lastly, PHOTO A DAY (I’m behind!!) and FURRY FRIDAY!
Photo A Day: Something you do everyday - READING addict
Photo A Day: Favourite Word - Yes, I'm a wee bit addicted to my car. Not much.
Photo A Day: Kitchen - My parent's kitchen, which I'll be sharing till I'm a married lady.
Live, Love, and Lift!
-Kiwi and Me
For tips, suggestions, questions, or if you just want to share your weight loss pictures and story - email me at: kiwiandmefit@gmail.com