Sorry for the weekend absence, but I was a busy little bee. Plus I wanted Logann’s post to enjoy some glory. It was pretty awesome wasn’t it? I don’t know if she has gotten on to see everyone’s kind comments yet since she is on her way back to Austin but I’ll shoot her a message and let her know!
Goodbye white sandy heaven, until next time.
Saturday we left the condo and headed to the country. My mother’s parents had lots of land north of Fort Walton, which her father divided between her siblings and a few others during his life and at his death. My aunt has a horse ranch there, and my parents have a little house near the canyon. On this property is a fishing pond, and a natural spring feed creek perfect for hot afternoons. So after lunch, and a nap, we headed down the hill to the creek – Logann, Candace and her family, and me and the fiancé. The first time you step in that water it never ceases to make you cringe with the cold, but we took a hike up the creek to explore. I wish I could have gotten some pictures but I was afraid of getting my phone wet. We found animal tracks, little beaches, and spring heads that we literally took a cup and drank from. The land there sits on a large slab of iron which gets in the water, and holy moly it is the best water I have ever had. I think it lost out on a national taste test to somewhere in Colorado. But oh so good.
We came back up to the house to find Granny had shown up, and my aunt and uncle cooked up some fish, cole slaw, and potato salad. At this point I was a stuffed pig. Then she tells us that she has angel food cake with strawberries in the fridge. If you learn anything from this point, remember this – Angel Food Cake with Strawberries is MY FAVORITE. Period. The end. So I couldn’t say no. Last day of vacation, what the heck. Spent some time chatting and playing with my sisters kiddos, and then it was time for goodbyes before heading to our hotel for the night.
Yesterday was spent in the Camaro, driving from Florida to home. I hate leaving Florida every time, but it is nice to be back home in the great state of Texas! I spent the morning driving and then the fiancé took over, while I napped. Those who claim you can’t sleep in a camaro are wrong, I got two hours of sleep only to wake up to my fiancé driving like a crazy person – almost gave me a heart attack. In his defense, he was trying to get over and some guy cut him off going like triple digits and he slammed on the breaks and woke me up. Brat. All in all it was a good drive. Got to do lots of chatting with the honey and I got to listen to the Indy 500 race on the XM.
Vacation is wonderful but I am glad to be home, back to my routine - healthy food, and exercise! Came home to find a box for me, I’ll post more about that on Thursday, and my Women’s Health Mag with none other than my favorite Jillian Michaels! I can’t wait to read it later today! Tonight I am cooking dinner for my mom and myself, and in a house with no groceries this girl is going to have to be creative. Then I think I will bust out some Beach Body Insanity, which I’m dreading after a week of not doing it. Pray for my muscles.
Please ignore my lack of make-up above.
On a separate note, I had three very happy fur babies when I got home yesterday. Pookey seemed freaked at first, I’m sure she was enjoying the peace and quiet. Jasper let us cuddle with him for a good ten minutes, I’m pretty sure that is a record! Since we had to leave food down for them instead of portioning out their food, Mr. Chunky Monkey is… a little chunkier. Back to his diet too! And Ms. Kiwi. Well she hopped right on the bed and onto my back and rubbed her head against mine as if to say, “MOM! Thank goodness your home!” Those moments where she is being kind and not a princess are few so I soaked it up!
What do you miss most when you are on vacation?
Live, Love, and Lift!
-Kiwi and Me
For tips, suggestions, questions, or if you just want to share your weight loss pictures or story - email me at: kiwiandmefit(at)gmail(dot)com!