am all tuckered out this evening. The fiance and I went to a car show in Kemah Texas this
morning and had a great time with friends! Had lots of fun, got some sun, and since it was my cheat day I split
some AWESOME beef fajitas with the fiance at lunch. Spent the whole day on my
feet, so by five pm I had some really sore legs. (Disclaimer: All thanks goes
to the fiance for cleaning Ms. Daisy for the show since I had to work. He is too awesome - hence why I am marrying him.)
On another note,
Jasper is much better. Apparently one of my mother's bamboo plants is slightly
toxic to animals and since it was in the sink for watering, he thought he would
eat it. So I put the plant out and didn't go to bed until he ate something.
Today he is much much better. We also recently acquired three new
additions this week here at the ranch. A young bull to breed the cows
with, as well as two new horses, Sailor and Trapper. Trapper, the palomino, is
like a dog. He follows you everywhere and constantly made me laugh the whole
time I spent getting to know him. He needs a little TLC but I think he will be
right at home here pretty soon.
lastly... Photo A Day - Bird
I'd also like to
report that Twitters @BPLMetrodome tweeted Kiwi Fit Blog as one of their blogs
of the week! How awesome is that? So honored!
If you haven't noticed, I've started to blog a little more about me, mostly because I don't want my readers to think of me as a stranger at some desk in their basement, but as a human going through the same stuff everyone else experiences. Hopefully you guys are enjoying it. If you have any feed back be sure to share.
Things are really starting to come together here at KFB, lots of new things coming that I'm really excited to share... Just can't yet. Soon, my precious, soon. Before I go I wanted to post this legs and butt workout I found months ago that I use as a superset in addition to days I do interval training on the treadmill. I didn't come up with this, I found it on Pinterest, I am just the messenger. Enjoy.
Live, Love, and Lift!
-Kiwi and Me
For tips, suggestions,
questions, or if you just want to share your weight loss pictures and story -
email me at: kiwiandmefit@gmail.com